Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Gender and Women's Studies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gender and Women's Studies - Assignment Example The relevance of Myth of Scarcity to Gender & Women’s Studies relates to the manner in which the men respond to crises, blaming the women, who are incapacitated, for not taking part in solution finding (Rosie the Riveters of World War II). b) An example of White privilege at work is the ability of a white rapper like Eminem to market himself through alternative radio stations such as rock, rap, RnB and pop, whereas the black counterparts seldom receive airplay outside the realm of rap. c) The relevance of White privilege to Gender & Women’s Studies is the manner in which feminine traits are deemed weak. As a result, women end up being paid less than men for performing identical work are. For instance, male clothing designers and chefs are paid more than their female counterparts are (SCWAMP 7). a) Definition: A term used to describe the tactics that are used to make oppression successful by involving the victim in it. The victim is confined in a negative image and message environment, victim hating and violence, with a result of self-blaming and low self-esteem (Pharr 59). c) The Relevance of Blaming the Victim to Gender & Women’s Studies is when the male workers blame the female counterparts for not performing as much as them, as it was the case in the World War II (Rosie the Riveters of World War II). a) Definition: A term used to describe the phenomenon in which the oppressor leads the victim of oppression into believing his or her negative views, with a result of self-hatred, which can be expressed through self-abuse, despair and depression (Pharr 60). a) Definition: A term used to describe the tendency of a member of an oppressed group, who has been led to self-hatred through internalized oppression, to express hatred, prejudice and even lacking hope for the group and its members (Critical Terms Sheet). b) Horizontal Hostility takes place when women, who have been rape victims before, condemn all the subsequent rape victims, terming them as agents

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