Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Changing the system Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Changing the system - Term Paper Example I work in an in-patient and out-patient hospital. The hospital has many different departments, the nursing department being one of them. I will use the systems theory to my work system as a nurse within the hospital. The supra-system is the society. One of the roles of society is to maintain the wellbeing of everyone in it. Super-system is comprised of the healthcare sector. Each society normally has a healthcare system whose role is to provide healthcare to all. Individual hospitals are the systems. In each hospital, there are different mechanisms put in place to ensure that members of society access health care services. Subsystems are hospital departments, individual nurses working in each of these departments, materials used in each of the departments. In each hospital, there are nurses, doctors, medical equipment and drugs that are used to ensure that members of society are healthy (Patton and McMahon, 2006). The hospital provides a platform through which individual members of society can access the healthcare services that they need. Nurses play a major role in ensuring that the system is efficient. Therefore, there is a well-established nursing department which has been given different roles to ensure that patients get the best possible healthcare services from the hospital. The input is the factor that is necessary to enable nurses to do their work well (Joslyn and Heylighen, 1992). The input in this case consists of the set of guidelines that the nurses must follow in order to work professionally. In the hospital, there are certain guidelines that regulate how nurses report for their shifts and how they carry out their specific duties. The main components of output in this case are the nurses themselves, the practice of nursing, the patient (client) and the hospital itself (Patton and McMahon, 2006). The nurses provide direct healthcare services to

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